Emma Blakemore.
MD of Children's ServicesShare.
Come and say hello at the NCASC conference
We are looking forward to the National Children and Adult Services (NCASC) conference this week! It’s one of the most exciting times of year for us. Through the conversations we have at NCASC, we’re able to share how we support local authorities to tackle some of the most complex service challenges.
Located on stand B30, you can’t miss us. We’ve been on our own journey over the past few months and have been rather busy introducing new programmes and models under the Innovate Services brand. A brand that reflects our focus on promoting positive outcomes for children and young people by working with local authorities to co-produce more sustainable, cost-effective and impactful Social Work, SEND and Inclusion services.
It’ll be great to see some familiar faces and many new ones as we introduce our sub-divisions; Innovate CYPS and Innovate Psychology; both of which give our local authority clients the capability and capacity to introduce innovative service-delivery models.
As a nod to our work in enhancing performance – and because we like a bit of fun – we’ll be road-testing the iPad gaming skills of delegates who fancy winning £1000 for a charity of their choice. Keep a look-out for our TopGear style magnetic leader board on stand; the competition will certainly be exciting!
Talking of exciting, there’s going to be some fantastic speeches and ministerial addresses this year. We look forward to the sub-plenary session with the Children’s Commissioner for England and ADCS President, Rachel Dickinson’s opening address as well as the various workshops and talks.
The overall theme for the event is something we feel extremely passionate about; sharing local authority learnings and experiences to secure better outcomes for the most vulnerable in our communities.
We look forward to seeing you there. If you want to learn more about some of our latest projects, take a look at our case studies. And remember, if you want to book an appointment with us to talk through a specific service challenge, you can. Simply email us on [email protected].
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We’ll help you reframe your children’s services so that you gain clarity you’ve not had before with a service transformation that’ll withstand the test of time. Book a free half-day diagnostic visit from senior members of our team, who’ll take an objective look at your existing infrastructure and performance outcomes.
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