CIN: North East Lincolnshire.
North East Lincolnshire Council, like many local authorities, needed an immediate solution to help manage the high volume of cases, whilst they took remedial action to improve its response to children and young people.

Service Auditing: Middlesborough.
A disappointing Ofsted inspection of the local authority children’s services in November 2019, revealed that a high proportion of audited cases “did not adequately explore children’s lived experiences”. Audits were not “consistently addressing weaknesses”.

Duty & Assessment: Northamptonshire.
When Innovate CYPS was approached by Northamptonshire County Council, it was at a time of crisis.

Sir Martin Narey appointed as Non-Executive Director of Innovate Services.
Innovate Services is delighted to announce the appointment of Sir Martin Narey as a non-executive member of its boa...

Why NOW is time to change the narrative on EHC plans.
Why NOW is time to change the narrative on EHC plans Our Managing Director of Innovate Psychology, Phil Stock, take...

Invision EHCP at Bracknell Forest.
Bracknell Forest local authority needed a more efficient and standardised way of auditing the quality of their EHCPs to make sure that improvement plans were having an impact.