Promoting foster placement stability

Many providers recruit foster carers. Hundreds, in fact. But how many identify, assess, recruit, and support foster carers to understand a young person’s therapeutic care needs?

Often, foster care placements break down, and children with complex care needs spend much of their time in and out of residential care. With our therapeutic foster care recruitment and support model, we significantly increase foster placement stability and promote family reunification (where possible).

fostering, innovate fostering

A therapeutic approach

In our experience, when a child or young person’s internal working models are understood and foster carers are supported to understand the child’s lived experiences, a foster care placement is far less likely to break down.

Our residential staff are supported by play therapists, and educational psychologists to understand each young person’s care needs.

From there, we proactively recruit, identify and assess foster carers who we know, with our training and support, can offer a stable home for the young person to thrive.

Growing communities of foster carers

With our support, local authorities significantly grow their internal pool of in house foster carers for children and young people.

Every foster carer receives excellent training and support beyond the expected foster carer assessment and approval process. Our focus is on preparing foster carers who understand the child’s journey and lived experience through therapeutic parenting, which increases placement stability.

How we work

Although each model is bespoke to the Local Authority, we work in one of three ways:

1. By taking children and young people through our Therapeutic Residential Care model, which transitions those with complex care needs from our residential care into foster care.

2. By recruiting and assessing foster carers with an understanding of the skills required for our children and young people.

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Bespoke foster carer outreach

Our inhouse marketing and specialist foster carer recruitment team creates compelling, highly-targeted foster carer recruitment campaigns.

In collaboration with local authority partners, our marketing team creates campaigns that engage and inspire potential foster carers to make contact.

We employ a wide range of techniques from graphic design, websites, and films to multimedia management and direct marketing.




Being social work-led, we care about the numbers because behind each number is a young person.

We are also fully aware of the budgetary constraints local authorities must work to and how our fostering solutions fit into this.

To find out how we could help you grow your foster carer community while making significant cost savings, please speak with us today.

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