97% of C&F Assessments completed on time
100% of statutory visits within agreed timescales
262 children and 161 families case managed

The challenge
Lancashire Children’s Social Care was facing a significant challenge in recruiting experienced social workers to meet its Children’s Safeguarding needs in the North of the County. The Council decided that the most practical short-term solution was to commission an external team. A team that could quickly deliver reliable expertise across Children’s Safeguarding within the locality. This team needed to have multidisciplinary expertise to cover all areas of children’s social work. This included duty and assessment, Children in Need (CIN), Child Protection (CP) case management, pre-proceedings and proceedings through to permanency as well as Looked-After Children (CLA), Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC) and those on the edge of care.
Our approach
We offered Lancashire Council a much more agile alternative to the traditional agency resourcing model. We delivered a social work-led fully-managed service, providing a comprehensive end-to-end solution over a 9-month period. Since Innovate CYPS’ teams are self-reliant, proactive and results-focused, there was no need for the Council’s in-house staff to devote time or resources to project management or oversight.

Mobilising a team
We quickly mobilised a team of highly trained and experienced Innovate CYPS social workers, supported by in-house business support staff. We also appointed a skilled Project Manager who built a strong partnership with Lancashire, keeping them informed throughout the project.
Quality control
Our robust performance management and quality control process meant that Lancashire could focus on other service demands with the reassurance that children and young people were receiving a high-quality service. A key component of the Innovate CYPS solution was our 14-week CIN programme. Delivering intensive, home-based intervention, it’s a proven method of progressing or resolving CIN cases, avoiding drift and providing better outcomes for children and families. As always, we provided robust and detailed reporting against agreed benchmarks and key performance indicators (KPIs), including weekly data reports. Our team also provided the Council with valuable feedback and insight to help drive service transformation.

The results
In total, across the whole project timeframe, our team progressed cases involving 262 children and 161 families; all of which were subject to statutory plans. Of these, just under 65% (170 cases) were safely closed or stepped down. Innovate CYPS’ social workers carried out statutory weekly visits involving 120 children, with 100% being seen within timescales.
Of 220 Child and Family (C&F) Assessments carried out, 97% were completed on time.
Of 65 children subject to Child in Need Plans, over 50% were safely de-escalated. This was as a result of the intensive 14-week programme delivered and by strengthening the confidence of multi-agency partners. Innovate CYPS ensured that there was proactive partnering and joint working with early help and universal services.
Crucially, we invested the time to transfer skills. We delivered training and provided resource packs and tool kits to the service on the 14-week CIN model and SMART business support process, so that when we left, Lancashire Council could continue with the new model.

Do you need support in progressing your current child in need cases?
Innovate CYPS’ 14-week Children in Need (CIN) programme significantly reduces the long-term reliance on CIN plans, eliminates drift and identifies those children at risk, earlier.
Find out more
Are you looking for more capacity within your duty and assessment team to clear a backlog of cases?
Or do you reprieve to look at a service restructure? We can help by managing cases coming in for referral and assessment.
Explore how
Do you need support to reduce your Edge of Care costs and breaking the cycle of care?
Our award-winning solution brings statutory social work and multidisciplinary support together to deliver sustainable positive outcomes and huge cost-savings.
Break the cycle with Innovate
Do you need support to secure better outcomes for children with complex needs?
We can support you in providing a sustainable alternative by managing cases to identify suitable stable placements or by taking children and young people through our residential Innovate Therapeutic Care programme.
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Do you have a high number of children at home on care orders that you need support in reducing?
Innovate can support you by reducing your children-looked-after (CLA) numbers and create direct cost-savings.
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Do you need additional support due to further requirements around capacity to manage your most complex cases?
We provide extra capacity to handle incoming cases and/or to work those that may have drifted, and introduce proven sustainable longer-term solutions to reduce the risk of drift and delay.
Find out how
Do you need support to manage your current cohort of children with disabilities?
Innovate CYPS’ 14-week Children with Disabilities programme reduces costs whilst identifying new care pathways for children, young people and their families.
Find out how
How confident are you that you know the quality of your service?
In complex children’s social work environments, it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact causes of under-performance. Whether you’re preparing for Ofsted or are on an improvement journey, knowing what ‘Good’ looks like is important.
Read More- Children in Need
- Duty & Assessment
- Edge of Care
- High-Cost Placements
- Discharge of Care
- Safeguarding
- Children with Disabilities
- Service Auditing