Do you need support in progressing your current child in need cases?
Innovate CYPS’ 14-week Children in Need (CIN) programme significantly reduces the long-term reliance on CIN plans, eliminates drift and identifies those children at risk, earlier.
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Are you looking for more capacity within your duty and assessment team to clear a backlog of cases?
Or do you reprieve to look at a service restructure? We can help by managing cases coming in for referral and assessment.
Explore how
Do you need support to reduce your Edge of Care costs and breaking the cycle of care?
Our award-winning solution brings statutory social work and multidisciplinary support together to deliver sustainable positive outcomes and huge cost-savings.
Break the cycle with Innovate
Do you need support to secure better outcomes for children with complex needs?
We can support you in providing a sustainable alternative by managing cases to identify suitable stable placements or by taking children and young people through our residential Innovate Therapeutic Care programme.
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Do you have a high number of children at home on care orders that you need support in reducing?
Innovate can support you by reducing your children-looked-after (CLA) numbers and create direct cost-savings.
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Do you need additional support due to further requirements around capacity to manage your most complex cases?
We provide extra capacity to handle incoming cases and/or to work those that may have drifted, and introduce proven sustainable longer-term solutions to reduce the risk of drift and delay.
Find out how
Do you need support to manage your current cohort of children with disabilities?
Innovate CYPS’ 14-week Children with Disabilities programme reduces costs whilst identifying new care pathways for children, young people and their families.
Find out how
How confident are you that you know the quality of your service?
In complex children’s social work environments, it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact causes of under-performance. Whether you’re preparing for Ofsted or are on an improvement journey, knowing what ‘Good’ looks like is important.
Read More- Children in Need
- Duty & Assessment
- Edge of Care
- High-Cost Placements
- Discharge of Care
- Safeguarding
- Children with Disabilities
- Service Auditing
Invest to save
Our innovative and reliable approach gives you the evidence and the confidence to reframe your services using an invest to save model. Being social work-led, our focus is on changing the way frontline social work services are delivered so that service users receive the right support, at the right time for the right cost.
Securing Better Outcomes
To secure better outcomes for children and young people, we take a deep-dive diagnostic review of your practice and infrastructure. To identify practical – and most importantly – cost-effective solutions that deliver long-term, positive outcomes.
Innovate Insights
“My advice would be to make full use of Innovate Service and soak up their knowledge and approach. By working closely together we’ve got a clear improvement plan.”
Paula Jemson,
Quality Assurance Manager at Middlesbrough Council

Emma Blakemore
“We all share the same vision at Innovate Services. To ensure the child is at the centre of everything we do in creating and maintaining sustainable children’s services.”
Emma Blakemore NNEB, DIPSW, PQSW,
CEO – Innovate Services
Meet the Team